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Implantmed Plus + Hoekstuk WS-75 L

Implantmed Plus knows what surgeons and implantologists need!

The new Implantmed from W&H ensures improved treatment safety for you and your patients. With the intuitive user interface, colour touch screen and glass surface the new Implantmed offers you the highest levels of comfort. The drive unit is ideal for the purpose with its automatic thread cutter function, automatic torque control and the W&H Osstell ISQ module for measuring the stability of implants, which is available as an accessory.

Your advantages at a glance

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Secure torque control and measurable implant stability
  • Ultra-short, powerful electric motor
  • New pump design
  • Wireless foot control

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Chirurgisch hoekstuk WS-75 L

Op voorraad, morgen bij u in huis

3-5 werkdagen in huis, mits op voorraad bij de leverancier

Artikelnummer: 90000166
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